Monday, September 12, 2011

Week 2

A couple of highlights from this past week:

Eight of us went to see the Nationals-Dodges game last Tuesday night. It was rainy all week but luckily there was a break that evening till about 10pm. The game was better attended than most National's games because it was the debut of their new pitcher Strasburg. I'm not a too much of an MLB guy, but apparently he is kind of a big deal. After a few minutes of rain delay in the 6th inning we decided to leave because it was getting late and cold. When we left the game was tied... but unfortunately they lost.
Nats game

For our class on Friday a speaker came to talk to us about the war in Afghanistan. He is an orthopedic surgeon and served in a small town for six months. He ended up doing just about everything he could have done medically to help locals and soldiers with medical problems (from c-sections to treating burn victims).

After he spoke to us we went to the Pentagon Memorial. It is about a 15 min metro ride to the west side of the city. The memorial is simple, but very powerful. There is a bench for each of the victims of the attack with their name on it. The direction the benches sit is dictated by whether they were in the plane or the building. The benches are all in order from the youngest to the oldest (3 to 71 years old).

Me in front of the Pentagon. The Airplane hit just to the left of my head on the second story.
Pentagon Memorial

On Saturday I went up to Delaware to volunteer for the Romney Campaign with a DC-area group. We went to a small town fair to collect signatures on a petition to have Romney put on the primary ballot. Apparently each state required a different number of signatures; Delaware requires 500. I was proud to have the most in our group with 41 signatures :) After spending a good part of the day in a small town called Milford, DE we headed back to DC to watch a disappointing BYU game... maybe they will show up to the first AND second half this Saturday.

Milford, DE

The "Bay Bridge" over Chesapeake (?) Bay on our way to Delaware
Today after work there was a short 9/11 remembrance ceremony on the steps of the Capitol we stopped at on our way home from work. Almost all members of the House and Senate were there; Pelosi, Reid, Boehner, and McConnel each spoke for about five minutes.  It was powerful to hear their perspectives, especially with regard to the passengers of Flight 93 who likely saved the Capitol. After they spoke there was a prayer and the band played "God Bless America" while everyone sang along.

Walking home from work

Have a great week!

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