Sunday, October 9, 2011

Catching Up

Been a while since my Valley Forge post! I apologize to my three faithful followers, I'll do better :) Here are some pictures and major events from the past few weeks.

My internship is going well, it is getting more busy which is good. Homework is starting to pick up too, which isn't super fun. We still have time to do fun stuff though, it just doesn't feel as much like a vacation as it did for the first few weeks. Probably a good thing.

The two closest grocery stores are organic only -- I'm not sure what they are suggesting about the ice. Oh yeah, and the dry cleaners across the street is "organic." I don't know what that means.
K Street on my way home from work (on bike)

Paddling around the tidal basin in front of the Jefferson Memorial

This isn't a great picture, but if you look carefully you can a person rappelling down the side of the monument. They have been inspecting it for cracks from the earthquake.

White House. We asked the guard what would happen if someone jumped the fence. He said it happens on occasion and they usually make it about 15 yards before they are stopped by dogs.

Jefferson Memorial -- one of my favorites

Washington Monument from inside the Jefferson Memorial
 Last Friday for our class we went to the Newseum, which is basically a museum dedicated to the most important things in the news from the past century. It seems like a strange idea for a museum, but it is full of cool stuff.
A portion of The Berlin Wall
Really cool 9/11 exhibit: taxi door, lamp posts, jet engine, and landing gear from ground zero.

Radio tower from the top of the World Trade Center. The posters on the back wall are front pages of September 12, 2001 newspapers from across the word.
Observation deck at the Newseum!
On Saturday we went to Gettysburg and Harper's Ferry for the day. Cool to see places that I've only ever heard about in school and books. The tree's are just starting to change colors and the weather was perfect.

Gettysburg: view of the "Devil's Den" from the top of "Little Round Top"

Crossing Potomac river in the bus on our way to Harper's Ferry. Apparently Lincoln said it would be worth crossing the Atlantic to see the views at Harper's Ferry.

View from Jefferson Rock. The Potomac and Shenandoah rivers meet right behind the trees behind my head.

View from the bus as we drove away from Harper's Ferry. It is hard to see, but the river is interesting looking because the bottom is made of horizontal rock slabs that make cool ripples

Well that's all for today folks. Have a great week!

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